Advantages and Disadvantages of Windows Vista

The experience with Windows Vista left much to be understood; and I do not say this because I am a recalcitrant detractor of this version, simply, that its fruits have led him to oblivion in a short time; Is it useful to know the advantages and disadvantages of the Windows Vista operating system? I’m sure it is.

At least so that you know, if you do not already know, what Microsoft offered at the time, through the launch of Vista. If there are still users who need to work with retro versions of Windows, they hardly choose Windows Vista, with all objectivity it showed more disadvantages in its use, than the advantages, for which, we should continue to remember it.

I even dare say, not even Microsoft wants you to mention it. Well, beyond the troubles, let’s analyze a little, through the advantages and disadvantages of the Windows Vista operating system; what was the user experience, of which we were able to test this version of Windows.

Advantages of the Windows Vista operating system

  1. It premiered a new visual interface, which was very striking, having as its main actor the home button, which went from being square in previous versions to being rounded.
  2. The visual effects in the windows, buttons and menus, left a pleasant experience to the user.
  3. The features of “Media Center”, allowed it to be much more multimedia than its predecessor; so you could play audio and video more comfortably.
  4. It releases its own security software, called “Windows Defender” for the detection and removal of malicious code, such as spyware, malware, among others.
  5. The “quick search” function allows you to find any type of file in fractions of seconds, beyond its extension; since the file structure is optimized.
  6. The Windows Vista installer was much more intuitive than the Windows XP installer; this made the process much easier, for novice users.
  7. The new system of automatic updates, assisted the user to verify and install, the available updates; in order to keep the computer more protected and secure.
  8. This version of the operating system, has the ability to identify more than 3Gb of RAM through its “ReadyBoost” function; of course in relation to his predecessors; since from Windows 7, the system is optimized to use the 64bit architecture.
  9. Protecting children from access to sensitive content was one of the great advantages; since through the “Parental Control”; you could set up user accounts for minors.
  10. The options of the “Task Scheduler” were significantly expanded; than in Windows XP I had fewer options.

Disadvantages of the Windows Vista operating system

  1. The number of effects, provided with the “Aero” interface, although they were striking, demanded many hardware resources, so users with low-end equipment could not migrate to the new version.
  2. It brought with it many errors in the source code, creating bugs one after another, requiring several updates to stabilize the system.
  3. It does not have any type of support from Microsoft; and therefore most current applications no longer run on this version; as is the case with the latest versions of Office.
  4. Another big drawback was the compatibility with a long list of hardware, graphics cards, network cards, and other peripherals; which led to waiting for updates that corrected this problem.
  5. For laptops, it was a problem, in terms of battery usage; since the system required a significant amount of energy to execute its processes.
  6. Enterprise-ready versions of Windows Vista were not as robust as advertised; as they had the same underlying problems as the professional and home versions; resulting in a problem for companies.
  7. User account control policies greatly affected the configuration of old guest accounts, which were much simpler to activate and configure.
  8. The “BackUp” function is much simpler than the “Backup” function, which we could use in Windows XP; In addition to being more basic, users find it a bit confusing to find the app.
  9. Other simple functions such as: “Import photos” and “Print images”, deteriorated; as they were a bit inflexible in the options.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Windows VistaAt this point in history it is difficult to think of Windows Vista as an option to install on a computer no matter how old or new it is; its mark on the history of operating systems, was very marked by errors and complications however, beyond this, it was the one that showed the first advances in improving the visual aspect and multimedia functions.



Read more about this operating system in: Windows Vista – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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