Advantages and Disadvantages of Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1

Apparently Microsoft repeated the history of Windows Vista, with the later version, Windows 8 / 8.1.; even if we know the advantages and disadvantages of the Windows 8 operating system, the fame it left behind is critical; being one more topic, silenced by Microsoft.

We remember Windows 8, which even had an update later, v8.1; as another very short-pass version, which had the intentions of consolidating on mobile devices; with a new design proposal, which although it is true, showed an advance that can be recognized; it did not know how to meet the expectations of the market to which it was directed, much less that of desktop users.

Good or bad? It is up to you to judge it yourself; from that we analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the Windows 8 operating system, go ahead.

Advantages of the Windows 8 and 8.1 operating system

  1. Being focused on mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones, it was developed so that when started and closed, these events will work at a higher speed; so running it on a desktop or laptop computer, you could tell it was very fast to open and close.
  2. It is a fairly optimized system, even if we compare it with Windows 7; so like its predecessor, you can install it on low-end computers; that have little memory capacity and processor.
  3. Android taking, downloading apps through store; so Microsoft developed its own app store, from where the user; you can download the programs you require.
  4. Even if you weren’t running it on a mobile device, but on a computer; you have the benefit of being able to easily set up a “Touch” screen; for example, “All in One” equipment.
  5. Native features in relation to the most popular social media applications; by installing Windows 8, you could set up and sync your “RRSS” in a few steps; and receive notifications from the operating system.
  6. It incorporates natively, an antispyware and antivirus application; so it is already an advantage, since you will not have to invest in it, additionally.
  7. Introduce a new interface, which was dubbed “Metro”; which presents a totally different design to what we had been observing with “Aero”.
  8. Windows 8, brings preinstalled several applications, among which we can mention; a “PDF” file reader; which saves us the fact of installing an external application.
  9. The System Restore feature, in Windows 8, notable improvements have been made, which should be recognized; the user can restore Windows from “factory” with the advantage that data and documents are not lost; or if, on the contrary, choose the option to apply a new formatted installation; for which a Backus would have to be made previously.
  10. A range of pre-installed applications, facilitate the user, the development of daily activities, as mentioned before, RRSS apps, in addition to Contacts, Messages, among other important applications.
  11. Through “Windows To Go”, you can create a version of Windows 8 that runs; no need to be installed; just connect a FlashDrive and generate a system boot.
  12. The “Capture Screen” feature has been improved, which not only takes a photo of the desktop; but it also allows you to make a quick edit of it, without having to open a design application.

Disadvantages of Windows 8 and 8.1 operating system

  1. Part of the system execution requirements may be incompatible with our computer or laptop; especially in relation to screens.
  2. If you don’t like or don’t like the “Metro” theme, and you want to use the classic desktop, it can’t be changed in one setting; generally you must rely on other applications to achieve this.
  3. The classic home button and the traditional way of listing your menu have disappeared; most usually need this part of Windows.
  4. On an aesthetic level, for many users it is difficult and confusing to get the “Turn Off” button; it took us a while to get used to locating it.
  5. For a large number of activities in Windows 8, an Internet connection is required; which complicates a little to perform habitually.
  6. The first version of Windows 8 generated many errors; especially for the features of the new “Metro” interface; which also had to be updated with version 8.1

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From my point of view, most Windows users had a hard time adapting to the new interface, which would later be revised in Windows 10; and completely improved in Windows 11; and for this and other reasons it did not get the expected acceptance.     You can also read

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