Advantages and Disadvantages of Microsoft Windows 7

Although Windows 7 is an unsupported version, it is one of the preferred options for a large number of users; that even when they know the advantages and disadvantages of the Windows 7 operating system, and have access to newer versions, they use it on their computers.

Windows 7 outlived its successor and even Windows 10; that already says a lot about its quality as an operating system; however, it has had its important flaws, around the issue of security;I leave you in context of the pros and cons of this version. In particular, I like Windows 7 and I think it is one of the most stable versions that Microsoft has presented to us; however, it is an opinion.

Let’s quickly analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the Windows 7 operating system, and thus have a clearer picture, about what this version may or may not offer.

Advantages of the Windows 7 operating system

  1. Windows 7 is one of the most optimized versions so far, it runs its applications faster than Windows Vista and Windwos 8, respectively.
  2. Networking is more comfortable and simple, resources can be shared, easily, with the use of assistants.
  3. It takes advantage of the full power of the 64Bits architecture, with which, the performance, both at the beginning, and in the execution of the applications and processes, is of high performance.
  4. Do you have a somewhat old computer? Don’t worry, Windows 7 can adapt comfortably, to low-resource hardware; so you can install and run it on a computer that has 1Gb of Ram, for example.
  5. In the event of external failures, such as a power outage, battery drain and the like, the system usually recovers successfully; allowing to start normally, without data loss.
  6. In case of situations inherent to hardware compatibility problems or other system inconvenience, it allows to start Windows, in the so-called “Safe Mode”; that disables certain startup drivers and other processes, and gives us the opportunity to make quick fixes.
  7. The installation of the system, through the wizard, in addition to being quick is intiutive; with which, any user, with minimal knowledge, can carry out this procedure.
  8. The taskbar allows us to quickly pin the shortcuts of our favorite applications; just drag and drop in some space of the bar.
  9. It detects faster the different USB connection peripherals, such as keyboards, mice, printers, among other devices.
  10. Windows 7 versions, such as Professional and Ultimate, are lightweight, fast, and robust; to work in high-volume environments.
  11. By installing the “DirectX 11” version, you can optimize the execution of the graphics, allowing a pleasant visual experience, useful especially for graphic designers and audiovisual works.

Disadvantages of the Windows 7 operating system

  1. The support offered by Microsoft to users of this version; it has already expired, so there are no more updates to fix bugs.
  2. Several scenarios with screens of death remain uncorrected; with which, the famous blue screens that we have seen from previous versions, are still present in the user experience.
  3. Since Windows 7 is without support, the new versions of office applications, design, among others; they do not come compatible; and to use them we are forced to migrate.
  4. Windows 7, for gamers, is not a good alternative; despite performance; the most up-to-date drivers for running multi-machine juices, can only be installed starting with Windows 10.
  5. This version of Windows does not have migration files that allow you to apply a direct upgrade from the XP version; this would be especially useful for users who don’t want to format or go through Windows Vista.
  6. When it came to market, the cost per license was considerably high, although the bad reputation of Windows Vista was already notorious and evident.
  7. Despite having the “Microsoft Security Essential” application, this has not prevented Windows 7 from succumbing to viruses and other malicious code, which are usually subtly downloaded over the Internet or transferred through a file.
  8. From my experience, this version, unlike XP, slows down more frequently; especially when you use browsers like Google Chrome or Firefox, for example.

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For many users, they do well to work with Windows 7, even when we already have version 11; however, for those who need to update many of their tools, migrating is the best alternative. One of the reasons for migrating would not be because of the disadvantages but rather because of the need to be updated.



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