Advantages and Disadvantages of Microsoft Windows 11

Microsoft has made available to its users, its latest version of Windows; known as Windows 11; Now, is it convenient to migrate to this version? Do you know the advantages and disadvantages of Windows 11?

Keeping this in mind can clarify the picture and make a wise decision; since sometimes it is better, stay with a previous version, because it is more stable.

Let’s address then the points for and against this new version of Windows; and that you are convinced by the same arguments.

Advantages of the Windows 11 operating system

  1. The most notorious thing about this new version of Windows is all its aesthetic transformation; it seems to have gone through the operating room of programmers, and indeed; users liked it a lot; combination of colors, new elements and new functions.
  2. On a visual level, it allows you to rest your eyes more; as we notice more transparencies and subtle colors; and if we talk about using the system during the night or spaces with low lighting, we can activate the “Night Mode”.
  3. Following the line of other operating systems, such as Linux, in Windows 11, we have the advantage of having spaces to group applications, as if we had several desktops; so each space has a work area and you can create and organize as many as you find convenient.
  4. “Multitasking” is already a fact, even if you only have one screen, either on your laptop or external monitor; you can split the screen easily, to work in parallel with various applications; for example, you can have in one half, Microsoft Word, and in the other half, the browser; saving you the fact of maximizing or minimizing.
  5. If you have several monitors available, then we can exploit much better, the function described above; as the workspace is expanded; and the System recognizes and configures this, with ease.
  6. Do you have a mobile device? If this is your case, and you have a Tablet, let me tell you, it is now easier to use this resource with Windows 11; as it is designed to quickly adapt to this type of devices; with a number of “gestures” so you can make the most of the resource.
  7. Windows 11 comes more optimized, compared to its predecessors; loads applications faster; and work better memory for applications and processes running in the background.
  8. Since Windows 11, certain functions are incorporated to run games that until recently you could only play on consoles.
  9. It is very practical to redesign the taskbar, which now; incorporates the home button in its center; it is a great novelty.
  10. If you are a user who stays online all the time, with Windows 11 you can browse the Internet comfortably, through Edge, which is the default browser; graphics quality and much more stable.

Disadvantages of Windows 11 Operating System

  1. Due to the large number of improvements and effects, it is a version that requires large hardware resources; you can hardly run it on computers with low memory and processor.
  2. Despite the big changes in the interface, and the new design of the taskbar; some functions were limited, which could be used in previous versions, such as changing the place of the taskbar.
  3. To have a good experience with graphics, necessarily, the computer must have a graphics card, which works with “DirectX12” or higher.
  4. In Windows 11, the voice assistant “Cortana” was removed as a pre-installed application; so, the user will have to download it from the Microsoft store.
  5. If it seemed to you that the licenses to acquire the product were coercive measures; in Windows 11, you must be registered with a Microsoft account.
  6. The “Live Tiles” have been totally eliminated, this greatly affects users who are used to using Windows 10.
  7. If you’re running Windows 11 from a portable device, you’ll need to pay attention to the battery; since this version of Windows, I consumed more power than previous versions.
  8. Beware of widgets!, it has been detected that there is a problem when running them, and it is expected to be corrected with the release of the first service packs.
  9. Although it was announced that Microsoft’s apps would share their ecosystem with Android apps, it certainly won’t be available yet.
  10. Another feature that disappears from Windows 11, is Timeline; that indicated data of use of applications and different files.

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Do I update or not? As you can see, this version comes loaded with new features and improvements, as long as you meet the hardware requirements and have a Microsoft account, it will be worth doing the migration.



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